Saturday, October 17, 2009


It's been a week and a day since my visit to BCSM and Matt's recommendation to take a break from running; and a few more days since my last run.

It's official - I miss running. These beautiful fall days are perfect for trail running but certainly not conducive to healing an aggravated knee. I've also been thinking about the Denver Marathon and not running it tomorrow. Mentally, I know that I have bigger fish that need frying - rest, heal, strengthen.

I've developed this borderline insane obsession/relationship with the squat rack and leg press at the gym. Three increasingly intense workouts to date where I have all but wrecked my legs. I can't really tell if my knee is getting a lot better or if I am just distracted but the incredible soreness everywhere else. I do think the healing has begun as sensitivity has decrease and changed more to a tightness.

True to form with my addictive personality I have also become very attached to my Moji, its kinda like a woobie for my malady.

The fitness curve with legs is STEEP...but I am hooked; with swims on off days to loosen those puppies up - I know the plan and will stick to it as I wobble off to the gym for another torture session.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What ELSE have you been doing since you can't run??? BLOG!