Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ooooh SNAP!

What have I been up to you ask? Well, lots of stuff...One of my projects that I have been working on has been my new tattoo.

With age comes wisdom, or so they say. In my younger days, I certainly made some choices that were less than wise. One example, my first shoulder tattoo...A heart that said "luz de mi vida" - loosely translated as "light of my life", hand picked from a color by number book. LAME, I know.

Several years later, the cover-up. A Celtic knot triad...while certainly an improvement over the heart, not to well thought out either...and not executed to the precision that I had hoped. Less lame but still not great. For years I thought, maybe I can add to it. Make it cooler. But it just wasn't that cool to begin with.

Recently, I made the decision to work on the tat this time, older, wiser...I was much more thorough in my search for a design and an artist. I like to refer to this as my clinical OCD. I must have been to every tattoo shop within a 75 mile radius and studied a hundred Asian tattoo websites to learn the what and why of what I was about to do. I wasn't taking this exercise lightly.

Feedback from the artists ran the gamut....some wanted to integrate Asian with Celtic, which to me was a serious faux pas - from these artists, I quickly ran the other way. Others wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Some artist seemed to lack any vision, some didn't listen to a word I said, some didn't acknowledge my presence in their shop, some were completely arrogant douche bags. I was beginning to feel little hope.

Next shop on the list was Th'ink Tank. Finally, I found my shop. I found my artist. "Tell me what you are thinking and we'll make it happen" was on!

After the first session, I thought Kristina was going to freak (actually I thought I might too). It was BIG...relatively speaking anyways. We were sitting on the couch (me in pain)...checking out the well thought out, well executed phase one. I said "this dragon needs a name". Almost without hesitation, K said "Snap", as in snapdragon. LOVED IT. Snap it was.

After 3 sessions and about 15 hours of tattooing Snap came to life; complete for now anyway. I now have a wicked tat, a new friend & tattoo artist, and your tattoo artist too, if you have any good sense. Thanks Ryan.

*These pics are of phase one and two. The third and final phase was mostly shading of rocks and waves and just bringing everything together. I'll add more pics soon.


flappergirl425 said...

RAD!!! I love it!!!!!

Unknown said... sweet