Thursday, April 1, 2010

No way to capture it all...

Of course one cannot expect another to capture four blogless months in one sitting. Needless to say there has been a lot going on, but I don't need to tell you that life doesn't stand still for anyone.

Highs and lows for sure, physically & emotionally. Life is mostly good, with the occasional rough patch. Kristina keeps me on my toes for the most part. Work keeps me travelling at a seemingly endless clip. Nutrition has been paramount. Training has begun for Ironman, which is bringing with it a whole new set of challenges, soon to be divulged. Willow bit Luna. Spring is here!

So from 50,000 feet that about does it. Later!


Unknown said...

Glad to see your back at it. You'll find the routine soon enough and everything will just fall into place. Need to get together for a workout or two soon.

Anonymous said...

50,000 feet? or 5,000? I don't understand. (this is me keeping you on your toes!)