Friday, April 16, 2010

Snickers & Lemonade...

I've been chewing on this post for a long time. During my workout this morning, I decided I need to get it out of my head and into my blog. Truth is, it's more than a blog - it's a realization, a challenge, a journey and ultimately, a lesson. It'll probably be long winded, so with fair warning, here goes.

About 8 weeks ago, during my post-op appointment for my second recent knee surgery my doc said "based on my findings, my recommendation to you would be to not use running as the core of your cardiovascular fitness". Being the inquisitive, push the envelope type...I had to ask...'what does that mean'? & 'Can I still do Ironman'? To which he replied - "don't run" and "I can't tell you to stop living, BUT..."

It was like a punch in the gut. I felt like I might cry. Or scream...and so begun the Kübler-Ross Five Stages of Grief. I'll use this model as a parallel as I was now facing the 'death' of running for me.

Stage 1 - Denial. I'll run...I feel, no I don't...I am slower than ever, this hurts.
Stage 2 - Anger. Why me? NOT FAIR! Look at all these fatties out there running with no problem!
Stage 3 - Bargaining. Please let me just do these two Ironman races and I'll never run again. I promise.
Stage 4 - Depression. What the fuck? This blows. I suck. What now? (insert sad face)
Stage 5 - Acceptance. I'll fight! I'll find a way.

With acceptance comes a new life. Since I couldn't or at least shouldn't run...what could I do? Could I walk? Could I walk really fast? Racewalk even? Hell, my doctor didn't tell me I couldn't walk.

To know me is to love me, but to know me is also to know that if I set my mind on something, the first thing I will do is Google the hell out of it, find every available resource and try to figure out what the hell I am getting myself into. This was no different.

Cutting to the chase, I've found a group of racewalkers out there and even found a mentor of sorts...some might say a God in the RW House! Case and point, this guy still holds than national record for the 100K (9:36), WHICH WAS SET IN 1987 PEOPLE!!!! How lucky am I to be a student? Only in Boulder! This is the "coming out of the closet" portion of this little story. I used to I walk! With a little luck I may be able to walk almost as fast as I ran...and could probably do so without needing a new knee. That's a pretty sweet trade off.

So now I am working on something new...its engaging and hard as heck...If you don't believe me...try the dark if your not comfortable doing it in public just you'll get lots of snickers...and I don't mean candy bars. At first, there was a little twinge of embarrassment as I, for loss of a better term, waddled past runners while they snickered, but I am quickly learning to be OK with it. And watch out bitches, if you're not careful I may someday pass you.

Lemonade Please! (to wash down those snickers) Sometimes cliches are the best ways to state a point.

Lesson 1
- With a bushel of lemons (being given the recommendation to not run) you can make one big ass pitcher of lemonade (racewalking). And Lemonade taste really good on "hot" days. Also, let snickers be a source of motivation.

Lesson 2
- Just because someone tells you you can't or shouldn't...challenge it. More often than not there are other means to the same end.

So, my season, it begins today, mentally...Now...With some lofty goals for IM and a lot of hard work ahead. I am thankful for the support from K, my friends and training partners and my "coaches" new and old...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so damned proud of you! My positive attitude seems to be rubbing off on you, huh? I know your perseverance and determination will not only better you as an Ironman triathlete, but as a man, and one day a Dad...I love with you all my heart Mike! and I will be proud to RW beside you in the mid-day sun for all to see!! xoxox