Saturday, October 2, 2010

Track your Ironman! - SWEET iPhone APP --> PELE

Thanks to the wonder of modern scientific technology and the genius of Steve Jobs, we have the iPhone...8% of Americans own an iPhone...but, that doesn't factor out those who are too young or too old to care or know better, which actually skews that percentage low. This post is, not, however about any of that stuff.

As with many of my posts - the underlying subject matter, directly or indirectly, relates to love for the sport, the endless hours of training, the camaraderie, the to cut to the chase, this post is about the dissection of triathlon and technology...starting to make sense?

We all love the idea of Ironman. We are all competitors at one level or another, and if you are anything like me...when you're not racing you're probably tracking (or trying to track) your friends (or enemies) online. If you've done it, no doubt you've experienced the server crash that leaves you in the dark, wondering where the hell your athlete is...???

Worries be gone there is now an iPhone/iPad application that enables to no longer rely on whether or not IM has enough bandwidth...(or whatever they need to make sure that there site doesn't crash whilst the race is on).
The app is called Pele...featured in the App Store and it is as sweet as it is easy to use, and while I am still learning about it...from the looks of it you can also dig into your historical data for Ironman and 70.3...(all the way back to neon skin suits and monkey bars).

Some of the coolest thing from where I am sitting, however, are that its creator is my friend! A friend that has pushed me in many races (whether he knew it or not), including my first IM in Coeur d'Alene, in hell, at mile 16-ish. But even cooler is, that for as long as I have known and raced with him, he's always had a GPS unit and who the hell knows what other device in a ziplock bag, under his swim cap or in his wetsuit or shorts...SO nice to see it come full circle...Well done, my friend.

With Kona right around the corner...GET PELE NOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with all of this IronManning!!!!!!!!!