Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last week nobody read my blog...I think I actually had 3 visitors (exaggeration)...but what should I expect..."if you build it, they will come"...if you don't, they won't...

I also noticed that I was at the very bottom of Kristina's blog roll, which means that of all the people she follows, I was the one who hasn't blogged in the longest time...pretty lame, I guess, if I am to call myself a blogger.

So I had to decide, do I blog or not...I am secretly envious of how my wife keeps a semi-detailed account of her (our) lives and what's going on...thoughts, feelings, accomplishments, a little chronology of events ...but I really don't need to envy her/it, all I need to do is blog. Simple. I'll see if I can't make it happen after riding and falling off the blog bus again...Done...Bye.

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